Thoughts To Ponder

Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful. Mark Victor Hansen

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Friday, April 24, 2009

The tornado that touched down less than 1/2 mile from our house..

portables down by the school
remainders of the bleachers at the baseball field

a poor couple's RV house that was destroyed

So, we were just enjoying a quiet Friday night with the kids when the tornado sirens went off...Scott instantly turned on the news and within 15 seconds the lights flickered, tv went out, and the siren stopped! We were officially living through our first "real tornado."
The kids ran to our beds and hid under the covers while I folded laundry by the battery operated light and Scott listened to the radio...oh what a night it was!
Here are a few pictures of the damage we saw the next day. Riley's baseball field had bleachers on home plate and the batting cages were completely damaged. The school was left unharmed, but the new school next to ours was hit in the roof, portables fell over, and it was just a mess.

We were very fortunate and will now pay attention to the warnings from this point forward and take them know it's hard to take them seriously when they go off about every other week!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The difference between I-85S and 185S..

So, Alaina has this brilliant idea...let's road trip to Callaway Garden's in Pine mountain, Georgia for Good Friday while the kids are out of school. Scott my handy dandy GPS made sure to print off maps both directions with step by step instructions on what roads to get on and in what order. Really, how hard could it be to follow a few simple steps?...
The trip to Callaway Gardens-no problem (exactly 1 1/2 hours) just like Scott told me....we had a blast, from watching a bird show to going through a butterfly habitat and having butterflies flying all over and around and on us, to playing on the beach and in the sand, to checking out the vegetable gardens, and the azalea's in was a perfect day...
Well, until about 3:55 PM which was our departure time to make it back in time for Riley's baseball game at 6:00. Plenty of time I thought and Dad, you would be proud I even built in an extra 30 minutes "fudge" factor for delays~ :)
So, we're heading down the road and I see 185S and think perfect, we're right on track...hmmmm something is not seeming quite right. I thought we were "just across" the Alabama I'm seeing NO signs of the Alabama border and now I'm seeing signs that I clearly know are in GEORGIA and not ALABAMA.

What luck, about the time Scott calls to check on us he say's where are you honey? I tell him I'm crusin' along on 185S and there is DEAD silence on the phone...he says 185S not I-85S? I say yes I'm on 185S and then about the same time the highway ends...yes I said ENDS and I DEAD END RIGHT INTO FORT BENNING ARMY BASE IN COLUMBUS, GEORGIA!!!! Holy heck I am totally lost and in the WRONG state.

I truly wish I would have had pictures to show you of this journey, but at the time "Kodak" moments were NOT on my mind...finding my way home was a priority.

Thankfully Scott was still on the phone with me and through quite a lot of construction he was able to navigate me home safely.
So, lesson learned-details are VERY important especially when it's a 1 versus an I....oh, and yes we missed baseball, but then the tornado hit....stay tuned for the next blog update on "The tornado that touched down less than 1/2 mile from our house...
Here are a few pictures from Callaway was so fun to see the kids just running on the beach and laughing and not having a care in the world...despite getting lost it truly was the perfect day and I would do it again in a heart beat. Those moments you see pure joy and smiles and giggles are moments that forever stay in your heart~ :)

Riley's new friend-this amazing woman Carolyn who is a professional photographer in Africa!
Trying a new photo technique with my "teacher Carolyn" giving us photography tips~

What a cutie-he wants to be SOOOOOO big so bad!

Megan has sure spread her wings this year-I can't believe she's almost "double digits" as we refer to 10~

Momma wanted to sweeten the pot and get this road trip started with smiles so I totally went against my rules and gave them ice cream at 9am...but, WELL worth the results of a great day and good listening from two little monkeys~ :)

Life is passing us by~

Hi all~ I am really trying to keep up with this blog, but life as you know just seems to pass quicker than I can take the pictures and post, here goes~
First, we were sad to find out on Good Friday that Scott's Grandpa Wilbur passed away-here is the memorial page I made for his funeral... I can't remember if I posted the one I made for his Grandma Doris so that is below as well. It's been a rough last 6 months on the Fitzner Family side-Scott's Uncle Dick died in Sept of 08 and then his Grandma in Jan 09 and now his Grandpa in April 09. It really makes you stop and think how precious TIME is with people and how you want to spend it with those you love~
This is his obituary page-it is a beatiful write up about his life and love of God and his family-also if you go the home page you can search for Doris under Past Obituary in Jan 2009

I have truly found my passion-well, it's not a new found passion, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE to do pages like this and create things with my new photoshop elements program. I am really hoping that once we get settled I can get on a regular routine and get caught up on our lives albums.

But, there is no time for that's cleaning closets, organizing, perging, and getting ready for our move which by the way Scott graduates in LESS than 2 months now-where in the world has the time gone?

I have lots more to say and post pictures, but I think I better split up the blogs so I don't max out my stay tuned for the next topic-"The difference between I-85S and 185S...."

Love ya~ A :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

PLAY BALL~it's Baseball season~

Tonight was the first night of baseball for Riley. He had a great game-hey, he hit the ball and ran the bases and even hit the winning run! Asst Coach Scott was a very proud Daddy thing to be aware of is that Riley seems to be like his Dad...a great player, but he DOESN'T like to lose....I'm sure as the season goes on Scott will teach his son "team spirit" and how to be a good sport. :) Enjoy the pictures~

Love, Alaina