Thoughts To Ponder

Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful. Mark Victor Hansen

Promotion September 2012

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

How would you handle this?

Okay, I am totally at a loss for this one...Megan has had birthday thank you picture cards in her binder to give out for 2 weeks now...I have gone over this with her now at least 4-5 times and she has YET to give them out....What do I do? We even went over HOW to ask her teacher and hand them out and to do it first thing at school???? I am so irritated as it is now two weeks past her party and we had them done the day after. I have now made her hand write an apology note on the back:

I am sorry this thank you is so late. I have had these cards in my binder for 2 weeks and have been irresponsible in giving them to you. Please forgive me.


What am I missing and why is she so reluctant to hand them out? What are your suggestions on this one because we're just at a seems so simple, but in her mind it's a HUGE ordeal??

Thanks ahead of time for your comments, I am sure they will be helpful...

Goodnight~ :)


  1. It is funny that she won't hand them out....I would take them into class yourself and put them in their cubbies. But really, they aren't THAT late! Especially since the party was the Beginning of the Lice!

  2. I think she takes after her mother:)

  3. Alaina, you make me feel bad! lol I'm just getting around to L's and it's been over 2 months. I feel horrible, but at least they are done!

    As for Meg, maybe you should have her deliver them to houses. Take her? B/C apparently taking them to school is NOT working.....

    good luck!

  4. I'm like that sometimes. When I have a task to do and accidentally let it slip a little I'm more reluctant to even do it at all. Not sure why, I know that it needs to be done and would be easy to just go ahead and get it done, but yet I procrastinate...

  5. Bribe Megan with chochalate, it works for her mom & I. I agree with the above comment from Krazy fam, they are not really that late just a little late. I had to chuckle at the anonymous comment, it does sound a bit like Megans mom, lol.
