Thoughts To Ponder

Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful. Mark Victor Hansen

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Megan and Riley on school picture day-I am glad I took these because I didn't order their school pictures....they didn't turn out as well as I wanted. :(

Riley's 6th Birthday~ Riley and I made his cake together and we had a small party with our neighbors that night...thanks for all his great gifts...he loves them all! This weekend is his birthday party with Megan-it's at this place we rented that is full of inflables-I am sure the kids will have a blast~

I love these pictures-we were over at our friend Mike's house for Sunday Brunch and this is the awesome little lake he has where we fed the ducks and played around. Megan is hiding behind a Weeping Willow tree....

We had Halloween and Fall Fest it seems like for two weeks...Riley decided to change his costume for each event and Megan decided to stay as a "Pop Star" for all events...we had a great time with our neighbors and trick-or-treating....

Welcome to our family blog~ I have finally caved and decided to start a blog. It is just too hard to send emails out with attachments and this way it will not clog up your inbox. :) So, where to begin....I will update this as much as I can so the best thing to do is to subscribe to our blog so you can get the email notifications of new pictures and updates.

Life is great-school is busy for Scott and the kids....I was working for a short while, but found out rather quickly that there are just not that many hours in the day to get things done between the time the kids get on the bus and off the bus at 3pm. I have not found myself at all bored as there are more projects than hours in the day....

This current week is full of activities-Scott's in a softball tournament, I have a luncheon with the ACSC wives, a field trip with Megan to the Art Museum, Megan's birthday party on Friday, Scott and I are going to a formal ball on Friday night, oh and how could I forget the 30 kids we're having for Megan and Riley's birthday party on Saturday, and then we are entertaining 24 people Saturday night....I am not sure how we got so "overscheduled" but this is a CRAZY week to say the least.

We're anxious for Scott's parents to come for Thanksgiving and my parents are coming for Christmas. The "ticker" that we have says there are just over 200 days left until graduation-it's sooo hard to believe that we're almost halfway done with our Alabama tour. The verdict is still out on where we're going next, but some little bird keeps chirping the Pentagon in DC...but, I'll let you know when we have official orders in hand~ :)

I have been horrible about scrapbooking since we've been here, but I am going to make a decision to just find time to do at least a few pages-this digital form is so much easier and quicker so I hope to make some progress.

Well, that's all for tonight-welcome to our blog and I hope you find this entertaining, uplifting, and up to date on our family~
I love to find quotes so here is the quote of the day:
"If you resist change, you will face challenges on a daily basis. If you consciously refocus your attitude to see the benefits of change, your outlook becomes positive and life becomes easier." ~Catherine Pulsifer
Much love~Alaina


  1. Wow Alaina this is really fun, thanks for sharing-I hope all your family and friends subscribe so they can be up to date on your families lives....I can't wait to see the comments they post too. :)

  2. I am so glad that I twisted your arm enough to start your blog. It looks great!!! LOVE the pic of M in the Willows. XOXO! G

  3. We LOVE it! We look forward to seeing your updates throughout the year. We wish you were here, so now we can pretend :) Love, Chad, Michele, Tyler & Zachary

  4. Welcome to the blog world. I am glad I will be able to catch up with your family. Very cute pictures so far!

  5. It looks like you are fitting nicely into Alabama. You are such a great family. It's great that you can make friends so easily.

    I sent you an e-mail with my blog. I hope you'll add it to your friends list.

    I just purchased the Memory Manager and Story Book Plus from Lorene. I started playing with it Friday and I'm totally addicted now. I can't wait to figure out how to put my pages on my blog. Right now I am making our family's first book. It is so much easier to scrapbook digitally!

    Thanks for your update.
